A solid way to cash out on a visa prepaid card, apply for the rushcard prepaid card. make sure u are not using your real info. but they is a catch.... for them to issue a card they do a light tap on the credit report of the person applying where they check the validity of the address plus dob.
that being said, yes you will be able to cash out from a prepaid credit card. First open a pay pal account with cc fulls info and attach credit card. this u can do with out any problems, pay pal will approve max 2k you can send or buy things with using your attached credit card.
Now,u need to set anther pay pal account with info that u used to get the rush card prepaid card and attach your rushcard as yo primary bank account. now u are thinkin how in the hell do use a prepaid card as a primary bank account...here is the answer..u have all seen it on tv commercials especially on BET, they say the your could get you pay directly deposited on to your rushcard prepaid card. Therefore, when u get your rushcard prepaid card they give u the info u need to do direct deposit. this same info is the one u will provide pay pal as your bank info...the direct deposit info consist of bank name, acc#, routing# this is the same info required by pay pal/
Now the cash out process, you will then use yo pay pal first account u created with ccv fulls to send send money to your other account u created with the prepaid info, then once u receive the money in the pay pal prepaid account your just withdraw to your bank account..which will be your prepaid rushcard. The people at the rushcard will accept the payment since they will think that u are receiving your pay thru yo prepaid card.
Also note that u can only withdraw 700$ from paypal with an unverified account, but if want more you can just wait and verify your bank account since u will have all the info for rushcard.
enjoy and go cashout.!!!!
that being said, yes you will be able to cash out from a prepaid credit card. First open a pay pal account with cc fulls info and attach credit card. this u can do with out any problems, pay pal will approve max 2k you can send or buy things with using your attached credit card.
Now,u need to set anther pay pal account with info that u used to get the rush card prepaid card and attach your rushcard as yo primary bank account. now u are thinkin how in the hell do use a prepaid card as a primary bank account...here is the answer..u have all seen it on tv commercials especially on BET, they say the your could get you pay directly deposited on to your rushcard prepaid card. Therefore, when u get your rushcard prepaid card they give u the info u need to do direct deposit. this same info is the one u will provide pay pal as your bank info...the direct deposit info consist of bank name, acc#, routing# this is the same info required by pay pal/
Now the cash out process, you will then use yo pay pal first account u created with ccv fulls to send send money to your other account u created with the prepaid info, then once u receive the money in the pay pal prepaid account your just withdraw to your bank account..which will be your prepaid rushcard. The people at the rushcard will accept the payment since they will think that u are receiving your pay thru yo prepaid card.
Also note that u can only withdraw 700$ from paypal with an unverified account, but if want more you can just wait and verify your bank account since u will have all the info for rushcard.
enjoy and go cashout.!!!!