amex centurion withdrawal limits?


what is the amex centurion withdrawal limits? is the limit too high to know.. or it has an atm limit like any other card? thank you!
most of centurions (mine too) dont even have atm withdrawal active.

If u activate, then normally they give a limit of 6k euro/month that u can raise up to 12k (only with a call!)

This for amex centurion EU in EU value. on US amex not have idea

Btw.If u swipe for cash advance (like in casino's) the limits still same as the monthly atm limits, not like pos limits....

Best "DIE" of a centurion is in a jwelery shop ;) there u can have very high limits x swipe but DONT do more than 1/swipe/day or the second swipe u get a CFA (call for auth)!

Personally i saw centurions EU swiping even 42k eu in a swipe!!

Good runners are the UK ones in multivalue..., unfurtunelly now lot of them are 201 and if auth is requested using swipe limits are lowered....
thank you. i guess the only way is to try to activate the cash withdrawal making a call.
bro can u hook me up with sum1 that sell uk amex email and password snd fone no
Amex cash advances are low as Capac said they limit per month so its not worth it.

What they are good for and this is all Amex regardles of Green Gold what ever is Purchases. And if you have access to call Amex before hand and the card owner has a good prior history than you can get big money items. I have seen cars bought with Amex's its all about prior history and prior spends. If the person never spent 20k in a charge than you wont either.
why u need email and password?? i see u are a bit confused.

all u need is track2 and if u use in some hot places maybe CID, but cid not everywere, normally in EU no cid is required. in US i heard postal code required....

???bro can u hook me up with sum1 that sell uk amex email and password snd fone no ???
getting big amount cash out that was 3 years ago now everyones limit is very low and as far as purchase more then 2k cid is asked as well as postal code and like theftmaster said it all depends on there spending pattern if they didnt hit large amount purchases the famous decline sign will apear :) this for us dont know about other countrys
Gotta hate AMEX in the states without CID. 90% of stores type it in. Seems like they're only good for grocery stores now.
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