Carders HQ



I know this may sound silly or over the top but what if there was a thing were people set up a HQ.

- They are in groups.
- They know each other.
- They trust each other with their lives.
- They are always on the go.
- They already have a lot of $$$$ funds to invest in carding material,etc.

its kinda like a forum but in real life?..
This must be your first day in carding, if this is what you think.
the online aspact of carding is what makes it the prefact crime :D
bro this is somthing you would do with people you know in the real world
as i do love my carder brothers but trust is a big thing
and i dont think i would fully trust someone that i meet online
and yes the forum is here to post your ideas
so no shame in that
but i dont think this idea is going to fly here
good luck with it anyway
I suggest less trouble and hassle build ur own network of ppl who u can trust and vice versa.Definitely not safe to meet in RL unless u already know them in RL.U never know who is a pig or what setting a HQ is like getting everyone on the barbeque set waiting to be roasted by pigs.Better off stay anonymous and deal wif what u can or throw what u can offer.Forums is the best way to stay anonymous plus wif Admins helped and escrow service,less work on building trust.Why take such a long and dangerous route when u have escrow service etc.

P.s Trust is not given or asked,it is earned from ur work and actions.Takes long to build a trust takes a 1 sec greed thought to burn down the bridge.
First and Last rule of carding

'' Work Alone, Trust No One''.
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