Help an Instore Virgin!


I have experience with finding good bins and sending them to cashiers but this summer I plan to finally get out there myself to test a little instore game myself..however I need a little help with knowing how this game goes because Ive only heard how things go from my cashiers...

Can anyone answer these questions for me? thank you

what stores do u card without problems? I will have matching 4 but heard some stores enter CVV

Do u stay under a certain amount?

do u instore in malls or is it too risky?

Did u ever get in any kind of trouble while instoring?

Any other tips or advice is greatly appreciated
I think this will be helpful to those of us who have no experience instore
Your "cashiers" couldn't tell you this? lol your lying through your teeth
Instore is different for EVERYONE, only way you will find out how it is, is by doing it. that simple.
lying thru my teeth about wat?? and of course i ask them but i like to have different perspectives or experiences..which is why i posted this in the beginners that a PROBLEM..
1. Any store is easily cardable as long as you have the necessary materials. Just do not plan to card BB with simple GC. The more value in the store is, the more information, documents and good plastics, you will need. Also, your SE plays a big role in this. Work on to be more pleasant and charming, helps lots.
2. It depends on the class you buy from your vendor, you have to know which class you buy, in order to get estimate of what you are able to buy. Do not try card something worth of 3k with classic, you will look like a fool.
3. IMo malls are actually easier to deal with, as you can hit many shops within small period of time and many young teen like to work there (for discounts and friends), but remember that malls do not have so many stores with goods, mainly clothes and random shops, but still good if you have a plan to sell merchandise you sold.
4. It is more logical for bank to try and find you when you card big amounts and do it frequently, they will not worry so much over 500$ value of items, as it will cost them more to find you than the value. As for large amounts, as long as you act like normal card holder and not be suspicious, you are good. Some recommend to wear sunglasses and hat for safety, but most of the time you not need.
Worst case scenario, you know nothing, and you buy this card from someone in alley. ;) And hope you do not forget to hide incriminating evidence, be smart!

Hope this help you.
ol i just hit up BB the other day. mad easy

i didnt go over 300, i wanted to see how their security was.
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